Waterfront, lake properties and wooded acreage real estate for sale in WI and MI



Welcome to Vacation Property Specialists. My name is Otto Ritt.

I've lived in Wisconsin for over 30 years and I can honestly tell you that very few days go by that I don't take a moment or two to look around me and appreciate the natural beauty of this wonderful state.

I've fished Wisconsin's lakes and rivers and hunted her wood lots and fence rows. I've explored this state from one end to the other and I never get tired of the sights, sounds and opportunities life in Wisconsin presents every day! Walk some land with me. You'll notice me filling my lungs with the fresh air and pausing often to really take it all in! I'm proud to call Wisconsin my home and I would be proud to have you as a neighbor.

The land business has never been busier! Never has there been a time where demand has been so high and supply so low! It may seem a strange notion to you that the supply of land can be "low", but that's the way it is! All across Wisconsin counties are adopting zoning that restricts rural home sites to 35 acres or more. If you don't make your purchase soon you may miss your opportunity altogether! What's more, the price of land is skyrocketing too. Since 1999 the price of an acre of Wisconsin land has gone up an average of 42%. What will it be in two or three years?

This web site is for everybody with an interest in owning land. Feel free to look through the listings. I hope you enjoy your visit. But you know the old saying, "Time is money." We're all busy and these days it seems that there is little time for all of the commitments like work, family and church. It is no different in my home. So I am going to ask you to do me a favor. If you are ready to head outdoors and walk some land with the intention to own if the right property should come along, I'd like to help you. I'll make as much time for you as necessary until we get you on the right land. If you're just curious, then wait to contact me until you're really in the market. This way you'll be prepared to move on the right land and won't miss opportunities.

I have the largest inventory of vacant land in the state at my disposal. Everything is guaranteed build able, surveyed with access, electric and telephone all worked out. It is ready to go. I won't pretend that I have the cheapest property on the market. In fact, it's not. But you get what you pay for. I know of far too many horror stories told by people who thought they were getting a bargain. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is! I made a decision a long time ago that I would rather explain the price once than apologize for poor quality over and over!

Well enough of that! Come on in and look around. I have property from the southern border to the far north. You'll find both waterfront and wooded acreage. If you see something you like and you're a serious buyer send me an
e-mail, I spend a lot of time showing land and looking at new properties so e-mail will be easier. I'll get back to you as soon as I can and I won't pester you with phone calls while your eating or spending some quality time with your family. We'll get outside and walk some land. It'll be an adventure. I'll promise you that!

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